After my advanced cancer diagnosis late last year, I found myself in a period of shock, disbelief, and fear. My world had turned upside down. My fantastic medical team worked diligently to formulate a treatment plan for me, but I knew I needed something to complement it, to help nourish my soul and to help reduce the stress I was experiencing.

The Social Worker at Lions Gate Chemo Clinic told me about “Every Day Counts,” a programme offered (free of charge!) to those living with or affected by cancer on the North Shore. I was so thankful I didn’t need to trek across town and that this resource was available to me in my own community.

I immersed myself in a number of supportive therapies through “Every Day Counts,” including weekly Music Therapy Relaxation, Restorative Yoga, Meditation, and their monthly Portrait in the Garden program.

I believe that we each play a fundamental role in our own health and well-being but that the journey is made all the easier with a good support system. For me, “Every Day Counts” fulfills this important supportive holistic part of my ongoing wellbeing and health.

I hope that those who are entitled to avail of the services that “Every Day Counts” provides do so, and that they receive as much benefit as I do from the nurturing and supportive programmes available.